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This website was created for you, whoever you may be on the other side of the screen.

This website is dedicated to my fans and followers. Feel free to browse and enjoy the exclusive images from my personal collection that can only be found here. Additionally, you can read about life-changing positive motivational content that I have put together, sharing how I have overcome various struggles that are common to many individuals but difficult to conquer. I openly share my secrets and provide tips on numerous topics in the health, wellness, and fitness sections.


I want to take you from where you are now... towards a fitter, stronger, healthier, leaner body. I want to encourage people to work out in a way that will lead to NO risk of injury for themselves. I want people to have long term success, and not make the same mistakes that I made over the many years I struggled to get fit and healthy.

Healthy Eating

"What you put into your body is essential to maintaining a healthy active lifestyle. Our body is made of cells, and those cells need certain nutrients to perform optimally. Lets feed our bodies what they need"

Weight Loss

I lost 200 pounds, not once but twice over my lifetime as I struggled with my weight. I want to encourage people to lose weight so they can live healthier lives as well. I will be sharing stories of how I lost the weight each time and what I did to lose it, food tips that helped me out, and other topics that help other people live their lives better.


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